1. To provide Micro-finance (credit) to the less privileged women and youth who do not have collateral securities to obtain loans from financial institutions to boost income generating activities (IGA). 

2. To train and empower the less privileged women, youth and children on various skills acquisition programs such as Tailoring, Dress making (Knitting), Hair dressing, Hat and Beat making and Computer operation to reduce poverty, create employment opportunities and to promote income generating activities (IGA), and provide Loan to enable them establish. 

3. To promote environmental sustainability and development through capacity building and empowerment (For The Youths, Women and Farmers . 

4. To promote democracy and gender equality at the grass roots community by mobilizing and building capacity of rural women and youth to participate in politics and socio-economic development.  

5. To facilitate Community infrastructural development through building of Schools, Primary health care, Agriculture and provision of potable drinking water and sanitation.  

6. Mobilization of communities, civil society organizations (CSOs) and other stakeholder at the community level against corruption.

7. To enlighten the populace about representation and methods by which individuals, group, and communities can effectively participate in local, state, regional, National and Global political activities.

8. To be a link of two way communication between leaders and the communities.

9. To influence policy making and synthesize the demands of the community with the government at all levels of governance.

10. To create a platform for debating between all contesting candidates at all level that will allow voters to make conscious decision irrespective of political party.

11. All embracing mobilization of voters to get people out to the polling booth by persuading them of importance of casting their votes.
